News from irony MI teacher suspended for bullying students into gay agenda on national "Anti-Bullying Day"

Diposting oleh au on Senin, 08 November 2010

Unionized teacher hacks sure have a funny way of educating their captive audience on national " Anti-Bullying Day." One teacher - Jay McDowell of Howell Schools who is also the local teachers union head - took it upon himself to make sure each and every one of his students endorsed homosexuality. When two students did not, he unilaterally suspended them from his class. McDowell himself was suspended for being a jackass, ignoramus and for violating the students' 1st amendment rights, but mostly for violating the students' 1st amendment rights. The union has their panties in a bunch. From The Detroit News: Protest planned at Howell Schools meeting to support suspended teacher

Dozens of students and community members are expected to pack a Howell school board meeting tonight to protest the two-day suspension of a high school teacher who was disciplined over a free speech issue.

The teacher, Jay McDowell, has filed a grievance to have the discipline overturned.
Violating a student's 1st amendments rights is no big deal says the suspended union head:
"The issue has been way overblown by the district," said McDowell, who is president of the Howell Education Association. He was suspended for two days — one with pay, one without — for an Oct. 20 incident in which he disciplined two students who made comments in class that they didn't accept homosexuals.
There used to be a time long, long ago - suburban Detroit in the1970's - where public schools taught math, reading and writing skills. Accepting the homosexual lifestyle apparently takes precedence these days. A summary of events that occurs now in our public indoctrination centers:
The incident began after a student asked McDowell, who was wearing a purple T-shirt to raise awareness of anti-gay harassment for national Anti-Bullying Day, why he had asked a student to remove her Confederate flag belt buckle.

A discussion followed, ending with McDowell suspending two students from his class for the rest of the period.

...A reprimand letter released by the district states that McDowell was suspended because the district deemed that he had deviated from the approved curriculum, made a snap suspension judgment and violated one student's First Amendment rights.

"You went on to discipline two students who told you they do not accept gays due to their religion," the letter stated. "After a failure of getting one student to recant, you engaged in an unsupported snap suspension, rather than allow the student his beliefs. … This could be construed as teacher-to-student bullying, ironic of the Anti-Bullying Day intent."
Of course the union hack claims that he suspended the students for being 'disruptive,' rather than for their religious beliefs. Riiiiiight. Want more irony? Hacks have put together a facebook page in support of the gay indoctrinator McDowell. Here's what the page looks like (I highlighted the most ironic parts):
How ironic for the sidebar to state that children should be "made to feel safe and accepted regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation." The whole point of the suspension was that the union hack teacher was bullying the students against their religious beliefs. Further down the sidebar you find this: "Jay McDowell, a teacher at Howell High School, did his job on October 20th, 2010 and removed a student from class for being disruptive and making hateful comments. What he did is something all teachers have a duty to do." Who gets to decide who is making "hateful comments." Apparently, teacher union presidents do. Reason #478,229 to homeschool.

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