Insurance term Irony: Joe Biden Holds Transparency Meeting In Smoke-Filled Back Room Behind Closed Doors... AGAIN!

Diposting oleh au on Selasa, 09 November 2010

The Democrats haven't learned a thing since the bloobath last Tuesday. They believe their problem to be one of messaging, rather than policy. As a result, they are not changing their behavior one bit (as Al Gore has said, "A zebra does not change its spots"). Case in point - Joe Biden, who is holding a transparency meeting. In secret. From the LA Times via Instapundit: Joe Biden update: The VP meets on government transparency today. But that meeting is closed  Insurance term

...Joe's had some problems with promises recently. He assured everyone that last summer would be full of economic recovery. Which it wasn't. And Joe guaranteed that his Democratic Party would maintain majorities in both houses of Congress in last week's midterm election. Which it didn't.

Possibly the most important event of the vice president's day Tuesday is to meet at 2:15 with Earl Devaney. Everyone knows him as chairman of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board -- the top guy monitoring the gazillion-dollar stimulus and the overdue economic recovery, and ensuring that the taxpayers financing same know all about it.

However, no one outside the room will know what goes on in that Biden-Devaney meeting. That's because the government meeting on government transparency has been closed.
This is almost identical to what happened this past January: Comedy Gold! Joe Biden Holds Transparency Meeting In Smoke-Filled Back Room Behind Closed Doors's Biden schedule highlight is a meeting with the chief of transparency for economic recovery. But, unfortunately, the transparency meeting is non-transparent, closed to the press. ... Which makes it -- what? -- secret openness? Open secrecy?

In a joint report issued early this week a league of nonprofit groups including Common Cause gave the Democratic administration high marks for its openness, although it said the work was incomplete and didn't really go into the lack of open healthcare legislative hearings televised by C-SPAN, as promised by candidate Obama.

The "pool spray" mentioned has nothing to do with aquatics. It's a coded message to media that a few select members will be allowed in to take pictures briefly -- possibly for only a few seconds -- as Biden and his guest pretend to continue their previously private conversation as if the meeting was open.
Remember Obama's promise of transparency?:
Neither does Obama.

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